Friday, May 16, 2008

Bangkok and the end

Our last stop in Thailand was Bangkok where you can get your fill of tourists and gold wats. Kari can keep looking at the wats for days but the crowds and the heat were overwhelming.

A typical vision while walking around these really popular sights.

The (in)famous Kho San Road in Bangkok

The long tail boat motor of the rivers/canals of Bangkok is much larger than that of the coastal towns and islands, these guys have a transmission. This must be where all of those parts are going that we saw back in China town on our first day here in March.

The wat below our hotel in contrast with the new high rise buildings going up all over town.

At the airport at 1:00 waiting for the plane. We had a 30 hour travel day on top of the day of site seeing around town.

We will try in the next few weeks to put up our favorite pictures, those that didn't make it into the blog but are worth a sentence. Again if anyone wants more pictures of any place or anything just let us know.

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