So after 2 weeks of camping we moved into a place up in Wildridge. We have a direct view to the south right down to Avon and the slopes of Beaver Creak. We are renting a room in an older duplex surrounded by new homes selling in the 1.8 range. We don't know much about our landlord/housemate other than he rented us the room and then took off to Burning Man for two weeks while we watched his dog.

This is the view from the front deck.
The living room is comfortable and filled with at least 20 plants, some of which are tacked to the ceiling as they stretch across the room. We also have a wood stove to supplement our heat this winter. But this means that we have to go out and collect firewood.
Our new mailing address is:
PO Box 1876
Avon CO 81620
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