Saturday, August 21, 2010

Escaped Convicts Just Wanted to Visit 70th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

When we had exited Yellowstone National Park and entered Cody, WY we learned of the news of the manhunt for a couple who were on the run from Arizona. John McCluskey and Casslyn Welch were seen in Yellowstone Park the same weekend we were in the area. Next we made our way to Bighorn Mountains National Forest, WY. Guess what! Someone thought they had seen the couple here as well! Since we have seen so many motorcyclist lately on their way to Sturgis, it only makes sense that this couple is headed that way too. We guess they will wait until they get there to choose their favorite motorcycles to hijack.

Medicine Wheel, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming.

Mount Rushmore (We didn’t feel the need to pay the required $10 to park at the site.)

Crazy Horse sculpture.

Nurturing an early appreciation for guns at the Wall Drug store, Wall, South Dakota.

Badlands National Park.

Minute Man Missile National Historic Site. (Yes, junior rangers, you can earn a merit pin for this one too!)

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