Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome to Jordan

Day 55 18 October 2010 Monday

Today we traveled to the capital city of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Philadelphia, no wait I mean, Amman was like Rome built upon 7 hills but now sprawls across 19 hills and beyond. With a population of only 2000 in 1900, this is a adolescent of a capital city when compared to Damascus or Istanbul. The current population is approximately 2.2 million.
Jordan has a dynamic population that includes large numbers of refugees from the wars of 1948, 1967 and the two Iraq wars.  Many of the Iraq refugees have a greater spending capacity than the local Jordanians causing rising prices.  For us traveling in Jordan feels as though the Jordanian Dinar spends as quickly as a Euro.
A 2nd century Roman amphitheater with seating for 6000.  The ancient Eastern Roman city had a much larger population due to thriving caravan trade, but through history Amman has boomed and busted.

Pieces of the Dead Sea Scrolls were a surprise at the anitquated museam.

Anthropomorphic pottery coffin

Dust storm driving south to Petra

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